Vehicle Electrical Services at Ward Tire
The battery, starter, and alternator make up the electrical system of your car. The starter receives power from the battery. The alternator then supplies the battery with the energy it requires to run your vehicle. Your vehicle won’t start or function correctly if one of these components isn’t operating correctly.
If you think one of the electrical components in your vehicle is not working as it should, book an appointment at your local Ward Tire. Our team of experienced service advisors and technicians are ready to help diagnose and repair any issues in your vehicle.
Electrical Systems and Components in Your Vehicle
When you start to consider all that must occur for an automobile to function, you realize how complex they truly are, regardless of how simple and straightforward they initially appear to be. It is truly incredible how much planning goes into making a car smooth and enjoyable to drive. This service page will go over the various electrical components in your vehicle.
Your battery is supplying all of the car’s electrical charge up until it starts. This includes the power going to the fuel and ignition systems, which are in charge of starting the combustion your engine needs to run. Your vehicle has no chance of starting without a functioning battery.
Warning Signs That It’s Time for a Battery Replacement
- Slow Engine Crank: Perhaps the most noticeable, when you try to start your vehicle and it takes longer than normal. You might hear a “rurring” noise which sounds different than how it normally would.
- Low Battery Fluid: Car batteries often include a translucent area of the housing so you can easily monitor the level of the fluid left in your battery.
As the name suggests, the starter is what starts the engine. The starter motor receives a tiny amount of electricity from the battery. The flywheel is subsequently turned by the starter, which spins the crankshaft and starts the pistons moving in the engine. This is an intricate but necessary process that helps you get to work in the morning.
Warning Signs That Your Starter Is Failing
- The Engine Won’t Turn Over: If nothing happens when you turn the key or hit the start button, that is the most obvious evidence that your starter has a problem.
- Intermittent issues starting the car: If you try to start your car and the engine doesn’t fire up immediately away but starts on the second try, you most likely have a starter relay issue.
The alternator keeps the electrical system working and the battery charged while your engine is running. A damaged alternator can still start your automobile, but it won’t be able to keep it running for very long. If the alternator needs to be replaced, the electrical system of your car will function incorrectly, the battery will drain, and finally the engine will shut off.
Warning Signs That Your Alternator Is Failing
- Dim Lights: The majority of drivers are aware of the dim or flickering lights as an alternator failure symptom. This is most evident at night when the headlights are on, but dash lighting and the central dome light also make it clear. Even more clearly indicates a problem if the lights get brighter as the RPMs increase.
- Odd Sounds: A lack of charge might be caused by the serpentine belt, which has likely stretched with time and may no longer be spinning the alternator pulley efficiently. Usually, this causes a screeching sound. The internal bearings can also deteriorate and make a growling or grinding sound.
Electrical Appointments at Ward Tire
If you notice any of the above warning signs, or something else that you might suspect is caused by a failing electrical part, call your local Ward Tire. The team will diagnose the issue and complete the work necessary to fix the issue and get your vehicle back on the road.